At EngraveToday.com we have come to find that wood is our favorite product to work with... whether it's shiny toy trucks, dollhouse furniture, frames made from recycled pine boards, or wall art engraved on the laser. Some of our pieces come from a supplier who uses reclaimed wood from the floor of Colorado forests, which they then process and dry, and some of the pieces come from wood recovered from my own back yard after Hurricane Ike destroyed the fence. We find ourselves happily scavenging wherever wood has been tossed aside carelessly; it can always be turned into art!
Although our website offers everything from full-color sublimated products to rhinestones to bling yourself up with, our true love is wood and anything we can make from it. At Canton next month we will even be offering wood dog tags. Now, have you ever heard of that? We haven't either, but that won't stop us from making it available.
October Canton was a strange experience. Thousands and thousands of people on Hallowe'en walked the grounds, but one thing was quite different. This time people were empty-handed. It was the strangest, scariest thing to see. This, the largest flea market in the country, had very few people actually spending money.. hanging onto that wallet until next market, and waiting to see what happens in the world. Today's economic news is not good, more unemployment, although that's not so much the case here in Texas. But everybody seemed to be cautious. Sunday was a better day, when people who had come to buy finally did so.
One more market before Christmas, December 4, 5, 6 will tell us how we're doing. At Engrave Today we have many gifts that are inexpensive, but our niche is slowly becoming quality wood art pieces, and custom-engraved memorials and boxes. And that's good because that's what we love to do! Somehow it doesn't feel right to stock a ton of stuff from Hong Kong, since there are plenty of other vendors for that.